Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Center
501 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27516 U.S.A.
919.968.2060 | 888.968.2060
[email protected]
Durham Visitor Info Center
212 W. Main St., #101 Durham, N.C. 27701 U.S.A.
919.687.0288 | 800.446.8604
Greater Raleigh Visitor Information Center
500 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N.C. 27601 U.S.A. (street)
421 Fayetteville St., Ste. 1505, Raleigh, N.C. 27601 U.S.A. (mailing)
919.834.5900 | 800.849.8499
[email protected]
Johnston County Visitors Bureau
235-A East Market St., Smithfield, NC 27577 U.S.A.
919.989.8687 | 800.441.7829
Pittsboro-Siler City Convention & Visitors Bureau
964 East St., Pittsboro, NC 27312 U.S.A. (street)
P.O. Box 1809 (27312) (mailing)
[email protected]
The Triangle’s agricultural sites range from pick-your-own berry farms to goat cheese homesteads to farm stands. Discover where some of the best food in the Triangle comes from.
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There’s always something happening with the Triangle’s agricultural offerings. Visitors are encouraged to attend events ranging from farmers’ markets to pepper festivals.
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It’s easy to have a fun day full of agricultural site visits without even having to plan! See some ideas for easy and educational day trips.
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©2016 Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau, on behalf of the official Destination Marketing Organizations for: Chapel Hill/Orange County, Durham, Johnston County, Pittsboro-Siler City, and Greater Raleigh. Contact Us.
The CHAPEL HILL logo design is a registered trademark of the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau. DURHAM, WHERE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN is a registered trademark of the Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau. The JOHNSTON COUNTY logo design is a registered trademark of the Johnston County Convention & Visitors Bureau. The PITTSBORO-SILER CITY logo design is a registered trademark of the Pittsboro-Siler City Convention & Visitors Bureau, serving all of Chatham County. The VISIT RALEIGH logo design is a registered trademark of the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau.